Copier Hacks: Finishing Options

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
collated paper

Operating copiers certainly isn't rocket science, but that doesn't mean it's always easy, either. In fact, there's a lot to learn--and if you're not sure where to start, then it can feel like rocket science after awhile. Luckily, there are some simple copier hacks that will help you understand your copiers better than ever. Today's topic: finishing options.

Finishing the Perfect Copy

Today's copiers are multifunction heroes, doing a little bit of everything--which makes them great for a wide variety of jobs. However, on the other hand, having multiple functions can mean that they're sometimes difficult to understand, and the last thing you want to do is miss out on the perfect feature because you didn't even realize it was there. Today, we'll focus on how to use finishing options to make your copies professional and high-quality.


For most copiers, collating documents is a default setting. This basically means that, if you print multiple copies of a two-page document, the copies that end up on the tray will be in "page one, page two; page one, page two" order. This is a helpful thing to know because, sometimes, you won't want your copier to do this--especially if you're distributing a large document and not everyone needs every single page.

Booklet Creation

Your copier can help create handy booklets for all kinds of needs, from pamphlets to marketing handouts. It does this by recognizing that the first page and the final page will need to be on the same piece of paper so that you can fold it; it also comes with helpful numbering technology that will keep everything organized.


This is a slightly advanced finishing option, and it's often utilized when a document is going straight into a binder. It usually allows two- or three-hole punching, but different options may be available.

These are just a few copier hacks, but if you really want to know your way around the copiers, there's always more to learn. Contact us today!
